So now, let us have an ongoing discussion of Art, Creativity, Asperger’s, Depression, and other related topics. Just a sharing of thoughts. Nothing complex or too deep. Just a good dialogue of ideas, activities, sayings, and how to think about and nurture creativity in our lives, given our individual circumstances. Art and creativity are great tools for abating Depression and Asperger’s. What follows are the opinions of the author and contributors to this forum. They are not intended to serve as medical advice or cures for anything.There is some intelligent maneuvering, simplistic adventures, and creative best practices that may help better manage our challenges and perhaps steer ourselves away from the hopelessness [paralyzation] that may confine and torment us, and block creative flow that keeps our Asperger’s in control of us. As artists, and given our own often idiosyncratic artist-not autistic-creative mind, we can adapt to our conditions sideways if not straightforward, and make them less gripping in the meantime. Being creative can help us can manage certain issues beyond medicinal and behavioral therapies that, while they do their part, often have limited efficacy. My case is unique to me, yet I feel others can tailor what has worked for me into their own programs when other “solutions” fail to bring meaningful resolution or comfort.
23 May