I am an Artist I have sold my art and won Best of Show; I’m published and can write like the dickens; I have worked as a Landscape Architect and have been called “doctor,” but now it is a...
I found three shark teeth today. The decay of the shark leaves behind its remnant just as the beauty of decay in the human construct reverting back to nature does. John Ruskin, in referring to the decay of buildings,...
Art and creativity are important for finding protected space away from the negative daily thoughts and experiences. Creativity is a positive driver that shuffles the mind and eases hopelessness and despair. Perhaps the most important tool I have...
In my art, cool shit happens out of the blues and greens and reds and blacks as I apply them to paper. Space fills with serendipitous context; “Mistakes” become points of interest. In my opinion, it is through...
Now, creativity is a personal thing, right? In my context, I look at it as multi-dimensional. For example, I use creativity as providing a purpose to my life. I also look at it as a set of tools for...
So now, let us have an ongoing discussion of Art, Creativity, Asperger’s, Depression, and other related topics. Just a sharing of thoughts. Nothing complex or too deep. Just a good dialogue of ideas, activities, sayings, and how to think...
My recent diagnoses are important discoveries that sewed together some frayed pieces of my life’s fabric. The effects from my Asperger’s (my Monument, which I will explain later) are underscored mostly by my being extremely uncomfortable around people. There...
John Ruskin, in acknowledging his tormented state, is known to have said there are “black demons among the grey, all like a mist between me and the green woods.” I, larry paul, am a creative with a notable history...